TAIM is an acronym for Trident Applied Image Management; an image management firm in California. They work with both new and veteran talent in all fields by utilizing marketing campaigns, promotions, networking, crisis communication and more. This will allow a whole host of characters to work with each week, learning why they need this type of management and the various obstacles and conflicts associated.
Another component will be delving into the lives of the five main characters, as this two pronged approach will ensure a nearly endless opportunity of stories to explore. This is because if nothing else, at its core this series seeks to contrast what it is to be an individual as opposed to the opposite, as the core five will demonstrate. It’s also the independent and positive focused streak that runs through TAIM’s DNA that will set it apart, either as a series or fictional agency. This is often in spite of the sometimes chaotic world that they exist within.
The core characters are all different demographically, some more dream focused while others pragmatic; but there is a sense of purpose and individuality that bonds them as a group. For that reason and many others, they’re all outsiders in one form or the other, but find themselves most comfortable and at home when they’re together. And it’s in exploring their personal and professional lives that some of the best content will come from.
An overnight dramedy years in the making, TAIM is the result of the Developer believing DNA deep in the concept; course correcting where necessary to align the thrust of the series with the intended positive energy. Truth be told a decade is only the beginning, so we should probably just start now… SendAMessage!